Project Timeline
DARIAH-PL project is a result of a number of activities undertaken by Polish scientific institutions in the area of digital humanities, starting from establishing DARIAH-PL consortium, through placing DARIAH-PL on the Polish Map of Research Infrastructure, to the implementation of Dariah.lab.
January 2021
project implementation begins.
November 2020
DARIAH-PL construction project receives funding under the Smart Growth Operational Program 2014-2020 Action 4.2 4/4.2/2020, which aims to support selected projects of large, strategic research infrastructure of national or international character and to ensure effective access to this infrastructure for entrepreneurs and other interested entities.
January 2020
DARIAH-PL is placed on the Polish Research Infrastructure Map in the area of social sciences and humanities. The map is to support administration and scientific community to develop laboratories implementing the highest standards of research and education.
November 2015
Poland joins DARIAH-ERIC, becoming a full member of the most important international agreement in the field of digital humanities.
August 2014
DARIAH-PL consortium is established. The coordinator of the DARIAH-PL consortium is the University of Warsaw, represented in this body by Prof. Anna Giza-Poleszczuk, UW Vice-Rector. Current work of the consortium is coordinated and conducted by the UW DARIAH Team.