ProjectDARIAH – PL ProjectDARIAH-PL is a development project carried out  with an objective to build Dariah.lab - a research infrastructure for digital humanities. The infrastructure has been placed on the Polish Research Infrastructure Map in the area of social sciences and humanities.
ConsortiumDARIAH-PL ConsortiumThe project consortium consists of 16 leading scientific institutions in the field of digital humanities. 15 Partners are members of DARIAH-PL which is the biggest humanities consortium in Poland. The consortium is led by ICHB PAN PSNC.
InfrastructureDariah.lab InfrastructureDariah.lab is a research infrastructure for the arts and humanities built in the DARIAH-PL project. It is designed to acquire, store and integrate cultural data from the humanities and social sciences, as well as to process, visualize, and share digital resources.
NewsWhat's newWe invite you to participate in the open seminar "Season for Digital Humanities", in which Poznan-based project partners will present the results of their work. The seminar will include a presentation of the Dariah.lab infrastructure, in particular its components related to the Wielkopolska region, as well as laboratory demonstrations.
ContactContactPlease feel free to contact us at   or use contact form.

DARIAH-PL Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities

DARIAH-PL is a development project carried out by the largest consortium of humanities in Poland with an objective to build a research infrastructure of digital humanities Dariah.lab.

The aim of the infrastructure is to expand the scope of research in the humanities and the arts in Poland, both in the purely scientific context, as well as in the area of applications in the economy.



Project Completion

DARIAH-PL Project Completion The 3-year-long DARIAH-PL project came to an end at the end of 2023. Its result is the Dariah.lab infrastructure, which includes a number of resources developed and […]

moreProject Completion

What guides Dariah.lab design

Digitization of cultural heritage resources

In recent decades, massive, successive digitization of cultural heritage and scientific resources has been carried out on a global scale. Countless research data of heterogeneous structure and diverse nature are being acquired. On a pan-European level, concrete steps are being taken to regulate and further support the digitization and preservation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage in its broadest sense.

FET2 Flagships – Time Machine

The largest initiative undertaken in the field of digital humanities at the European level in terms of infrastructure is the project prepared under FET2 Flagships – Time Machine. The ambitiously outlined project involves the development of a large-scale digitization and computing infrastructure mapping millennia of European historical and geographical evolution, transforming kilometers of archives, large museum collections and other geohistorical datasets into a distributed digital information system.

Virtual reality modeling

The idea which guides this project establishes a new model for conducting R&D activities. By dissolving the boundaries between ICT development and the humanities and social sciences, this innovative project has the potential to impact key sectors of the European economy: the IT industry (especially technological solutions related to virtual reality modelling), the creative sector, education or tourism. Moreover, it activates new directions of exploration in architecture and urban planning, supporting the real development of modern solutions in city planning.


składowanie danych

data storage characterized by availability, searchability and interoperability in accordance to FAIR principles

wzbogacanie danych

source data enrichment by processing source content to generate machine interpretable representations and metadata enrichment

integracja i konsolidacja danych

data integration and consolidation that involves semantic discovery of new connections and relationships between stored information

interaktywna analiza danych

interactive data analysis including multi-criteria data analysis and detailed interpretation, additional processing and interaction with data

wizualizacja danych

data visualization using advanced tools and systems to work with audiovisual materials and to present the results of this work in a form attractive to a wide audience

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