Open Seminar “Season for Digital Humanities”
“Season for Digital Humanities” seminar will take place on November 21-22, 2023 in Poznan. During the seminar Poznan-based partners of the project’s consortium – Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center – will present the results of their work. The seminar will be divided into two parts: Dariah.lab infrastructure presentation (in particular its components related to Wielkopolska province) and demonstration of its laboratories.
The event is open to public. The invitation is addressed to the entire academic community associated with the humanities in its broadest sense and the development of technologies for the humanities, as well as music librarians, archivists, lyricists, translators, students, learners, enthusiasts of new technologies and digital humanities, the community of the city of Poznan and the surrounding area.
More information is available on the Seminar page.
We invite you to join us!