Source Laboratory Working Groups Meeting at AMU
On November 30, 2022, a meeting of the Source Laboratory working groups was held at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. During the meeting, university teams coordinated by Prof. Katarzyna Klessa presented laboratories created for the project and talked about organization and progress of their work.

Prof. Maciej Karpinski and Dr. Ewa Yarmolovich-Novikow of the Department of Multimodal Communication, presented Dariah.lab MULTICO Laboratory, just before its official inauguration. The laboratory was established primarily, though not exclusively, to create a MultiCo multimodal corpus. The corpus will contain audiovisual recordings from public media and from studio recording sessions, along with synchronous transcription of the verbal layer of speech and its prosodic properties, annotation of gestures and facial expressions, and relevant metadata.
Dr. Kamila Kludkiewicz discussed work related to the Audiovisual Archive of the Faculty of Art Sciences, which is a database of scans of documents, photographs, graphics and sound recordings. The archive will be available to the users of Dariah.lab infrastructure, in the form of a web service.
The last laboratory, presented by Prof. Piotr Podlipniak of the Institute of Musicology, was the infrastructure for study of music, speech and gesture perception, along with a set of archival music data and procedures for their acquisition. The laboratory is located in the building of the Faculty of History of the Adam Mickiewicz University on the Morasko campus.
Source Laboratory coordinators, Dominik Purchała of the Warsaw University Center for Digital Competence and Maciej Głowiak of Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, also participated in the meeting.